Chakra Money Secrets
(Value $797)
when you register before the countdown timer ends!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
If you've been using the Law of Attraction
but the money isn't showing up yet,
you're in the right place. 
Get ready to access mind-blowing info that allows you tp massively improve your money manifesting,
by combining cutting-edge science with ancient spiritual secrets!

If you've been using the Law of Attraction
but the money isn't showing up yet,
you're in the right place. 
Get ready to access mind-blowing info so you can massively improve your money manifesting,
by combining cutting-edge science with ancient spiritual secrets.

"I wouldn't be where I am without you. You were one of those Karmic crossroads that changed the course of everything.
Sandy, you have some serious superpowers in the Law of Attraction department."
- Sarah Prout

As seen in ...

You're not alone

in wanting more, yet feeling stuck because you haven't created abundance ...
You've read a bunch of books and followed the gurus, but feel caught in the same old patterns ...
  • Your cash flow just hasn't levelled up
  • You feel inspired... but end up right back in a slump.
  • You feel discouraged (and secretly jealous) when others succeed and wonder 'why not me?'
  • ​You've even started to feel like 'real manifesting' and abundance is just for other people, not you
  • ​But you still believe that if you could just tap into a simple, powerful system, it would all come together.

The solution is not to  "meditate harder" ...

If you're anything like the thousands of women who have come to me, completely discouraged because they tried so hard and haven't yet created the abundance they want, I want you to know that it's not too late.
Not seeing the prosperity you desire isn't because you're "not good enough", "not worthy" or not capable.

It's not because you didn't put enough detail into that vision board (your eye for detail is just fine).

It's not because you have the wrong background (it doesn't make any difference).

There are simple, powerful concepts I mastered that took me from welfare to millionaire, and the reason I'm so glad you're here, is now you can access those exact secrets, and be empowered to create this same abundance in your own life.

I can’t wait for you to experience that magical moment when your dreams begin to manifest
and those tears of joy (or maybe relief??!!) start to flow.

Others may show you the tools; But I'll take you much deeper ... I'll show you the science behind the unlimited universal energy you’re about to discover and have you experience manifestation in real time, which will empower you to attract and manifest your hearts desires.

Hi! I'm Sandy Forster ...

I know what it's like to 'try all the things', yet instead of creating success, there was a time when I was going backward, fast.

But since I cracked the code - as an ordinary single mum living in Australia, going from welfare to millionaire - I am on a mission to help you (and women around the world) discover how to effortlessly create transformation, abundance and the freedom you desire.

After my husband and I divorced I became a single mum and was left to raise a 6 month old and 3-year-old by myself. I had a small business and spent so much time, energy and money trying to figure out what to do and how to do it while trying to keep my mind focused on what I wanted to create (not easy when you’re working from home with children as a single parent, $100,000 in debt and on welfare!!).

The success and income that would give me the freedom and lifestyle I truly longed for eluded me for years. I was doing, doing, doing all the time and felt like I was on a hamster wheel, running like crazy but going no-where fast.

BUT…. it all turned around when I discovered the Law of Attraction, busted through my money blocks and took some simple but powerful practical steps.

From that starting place of complete uncertainty and wondering what the heck I was doing in business, I’m now blessed to have won many business awards including International Mentor of the Year as well as Australian Business of the Year and Entrepreneur of the Year – who would’ve thought (certainly not me!!)

For the past 15 years, I've been blessed to work with women from all over the globe to transform their mindset, increase their money and create a life beyond their wildest dreams!

I absolutely love transforming women’s mindset so they manifest more abundance, prosperity and money than they ever dreamed, and I can't wait to help you blend the mindset and the science in Divine Money Manifesting!

Join Divine Money Manifesting.

When you do, life will never be the same.
Just imagine ...

  • You're able to cover every bill without wondering where the money will come from.
  • You not only have a consistent flow of abundance, you have excess every month.
  • Your relationship with money is one of ease and joy.
  • Every aspect of your life is just as you like it: you've manifested the home, the car, the travel and the experiences that suit the life you want to live.
  • Your business goes from strength to strength ... in fact it just did the 10X increase you thought was only for 'hustlers', and it happened in flow.
  • You enjoy the simple pleasures of not having to look at the price of food, or flights, or gifts.
  • You feel so blessed to have attracted opportunities and experiences you once only dreamed of.
"I had many wins, but the biggest is going from $1k-$4k weeks to $8k-$16k weeks. I raised $70,000 and have just put a contract down on our first home on a lake. Immense gratitude. Thank you."
- Chantal G, Gold Coast Australia
"The day I signed up and paid, I got an unexpected tax return of $8k and old commissions of $490 that I didn't know were owing and an unexpected $1k in my network marketing biz. Very pleased to say the least!"
- Annamaya A, Melbourne Australia
"I made the decision to do a $3400 course and the next day I received the exact amount needed to pay for it in full."
- Sandy Banfield, NSW Australia
"I had a $9000 debt released, out of the blue they just cancelled the contract."
- Corine Graham, France
"I was owed $300 and never thought I'd get it, but It showed up this week in crisp new bills and with a smile. This was special!"
- susan o, new york

When you join NOW, not only will you save a massive $500, but you'll get special access to the SUPER BONUS:
Chakra Money Secrets, worth $797!

Many people completely miss how Chakras (the energy centres of your body) can block your abundance, how they can block your prosperity, and how they can stop the flow of money into your life when they're out of balance.

I'll guide you to easily balance your chakras to enhance your manifesting and attracting abundance becomes fun.
We'll cover all 7 major chakras, working with your energy, beliefs and vibration and balance them all so money can flow and grow in your life.
I'll walk you though a simple but powerful process for each chakra so you energize your physical and energetic body to allow money to be magnetized to you
Your chakras impact your every moment, and by using these divine guided visualizations you'll easily bring your chakras into balance and be creating a life you're passionate about with more ease and grace!

Then, here's what we'll cover in Divine Money Manifesting

During the program you’ll foundation, then go through 12 core modules that are designed to teach you the art of manifesting money and help you speed up the manifesting process by rewiring your subconscious mind.

Foundation: Prepare for Prosperity

Discover what type of money manifestor you are, so that you can create abundance in the way that flows best for you.

Learn the principles of manifesting money that do not change, no matter what circumstances you face.

Find out how you have been self-sabotaging in the past, and break free so that you see miracles happen instead!

Module 1: Believe in Money Miracles

This is when you get to build your rock-solid belief in your power to manifest abundance.

Go deep into ancient secrets, and learn how the science meets spirituality.

Discover "The 68-second Miracle", and how to see your abundance into reality.

Module 2: The Magic of Manifesting

Here's where you'll start to really connect to the Divine. I'll teach you the secrets of consciousness, bliss and manifestion, Quantum Magic, and how to feel the miracle (when you learn how to do this, things can move fast!)

Manifesting magic, including leaving hints for the Universe, is so much fun ... when you get clear on a simple daily process you will see things unfold beautifully, with ease and grace. Enjoy!

Module 3: Create a sacred space for Prosperity

The keys to abundance lie in your ability to create that beautiful, sacred space to usher in your prosperity. I'll show you how to build the most effective, exciting environment for manifestation.

You'll also discover how your "abundance gatekeeper" is the "make or break" of your manifesting flow.

Module 4: Opening to prosperity

Decluttering and forgiveness are concepts that people find easy to talk about, but not many understand how to make this easy to actually do. (And yes, I hear your inner voice saying "But you don't know how massive that is for me!" Trust me, I do know. And I'll show you how to say "I've got this.")

These are essential foundations in opening your heart and mind to prosperity and once I show you how, you'll never see things the same way again!

Module 5: Clarify your divine vision

Clarity creates speed.

Once I show you how to clarify what it is you actually want, you'll be amazed at how quickly things can move (and I can't wait to hear how things unfold for you!). You'll love how exciting it feels to define your personal Millionaire Lifestyle (because, trust me, it's different for everyone) and name your Freedom Figure.

This step is key to activating powerful Universal Laws that cannot help but deliver what it is you desire.

Module 6: Designing your destiny

Uncover the Million Dollar Question that will allow you to see your dreams. Implement the 3 Simple Steps to Manifest Money, even when there is resistance.

Module 7: Speak your desires into existence

You are far more powerful than you realise! I'll show you how to use that power with every word you say, and how to use affirmations in a way that feels light, easy and effortless.

Module 8: rewire your mind for millions

Those times you wonder why everyone else seems to be able to manifest and yet you "can't"? I'll show you why you're self-sabotaging and teach you how to reverse your negative programming ... fast!

You'll discover money traumas that may have been long-buried, and how to rewire your energy and explore the negatives of money. We'll uncover subliminal secrets and I'll teach you how to "tap for prosperity", including incredibly powerful scripts you can use anywhere, anytime.

I've worked with hundreds of women who have experienced deep, deep trauma, who were so, so grateful to find a way to move past that, create a new way of seeing, and build the abundant life they thought would always be elusive.

This module has been truly life-changing for students!

Module 9: Double, triple or quadruple your income

Imagine learning how to create a business that aligns perfectly with your deepest desires, with hours that suit your lifestyle and clients you love spending time with.

It is absolutely doable!! Not only will I share an abundance of ideas, I'll show you how to double, triple or quadruple your income ... let's start by doubling within 6 months!

When you have created a Law of Attraction business you can build a vehicle for wealth that is a joy to grow, no matter what is happening around you.

Module 10: Divinely Inspired Action

There's "action" and then there's Action. I'll show you the massive difference between the two, and how you can tap into Inspired Action to create multiple streams of income (with powerful examples of how I did it, and how other students have done the same!).

This module will have you feeling abundant, free and light!

Module 11: The Magic of Mastering Your Money

Learn how to master money in just 8 minutes! I'll show you how to dissolve debt and experience what life is like when you have mastery over your money, every single day.

Students tell me they have never felt so in control of their world and their power as they do after learning this technique!

Module 12: Quantum Leaping to Success

Ready to become confident, proud, empowered, strong, open and focused on your dreams?

Ready to have the time, money and energy to follow your dreams, make a difference and be, do and have the things that make your heart sing?

I'll walk you through Energetic Money Triggers, how to banish Limiting Beliefs and master the art of Quantum Leaping. You'll align your body, mind and spirit and be ready to step into that abundance you have longed for.

This is where you map out your next Prosperity Steps and experience your Money Miracle!

I want you to trust that the Universe has a plan for you, and I want you to discover the power within.

The first step to becoming a marvelous manifestor is to say YES to participating in Divine Money Manifesting. 

“Sandy’s books and programs have completely changed my life. I won six month all expenses paid world travel using some of Sandy’s techniques. My first month as a coach [through Sandy's coach certification program] I made $225, and now I have a multiple six figure business [now 7-figure]. I re-do when ever I want to take my income to the next level"
- denise duffield-thomas, australia
"Since starting your course I have manifested 58 clients into my coaching program making me approx $90k - within the first eight and a half days of announcing it."
- karen knowler, uk
“Since learning from Sandy I have been on a manifesting mission! I've moved from rainy London to beautiful sunny Perth Australia, gone from a horrific relationship to one with the love of my life, manifested an awesome job, $10,000 lottery win, a new car/house/motorbike/boat…. Wow, the list is endless and just keeps happening! Thanks Sandy for everything you do to inspire others xxx”
- carly evans, uk
"Success... I did one of your processes to manifest $10,000. I found out that this Friday I will be getting a check for $10,000 for an unexpected distribution payment at work"
- Karla Westphal, North Carolina
“I stumbled across you when I had very little. I dived into your course and within 2 weeks I received over $3300. Since I’ve met you my income has tripled and tremendous possibilities are opening up like magic. Thank you for creating this one of a kind course.”
- stella seaspirit, south africa

Here's a Sneak Peek Of What you'll get when you join Divine Money Manifesting

SUPER BONUS: Chakra Money Secrets

($797 Value)
Learn how to balance all 7 major chakras, working with your core emotions and core needs, and how when everything is in alignment, money can flow and grow in your life.

Divine Money Manifesting Course Modules 

($1997 Value)
You’ll go through 12 core modules that are designed to teach you the art of manifesting money,  and how to release self-sabotage and blocks standing in the way of attracting abundance.  You'll speed up the manifesting process by rewiring your subconscious mind and you'll experience results faster and easier than ever before!
Plus, as a Divine Money Manifesting member you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS. Any future updates I make to this program will be yours for FREE!!

LIVE Monthly Manifesting Calls with Sandy

($1200 Value)
Join me every month through to the end of 2023 as we dive into additional topics and expand on specific money and manifesting blocks, allowing you to ask questions and integrate the wisdom and insights inside DMM so your manifesting skills take a quantum leap. These calls end with a money manifesting process to support you in onsistently aligning your energy and attracting abundance. Also recorded for your convenience.

Bonus 1: Millionaire Mindset Program 

($497 Value)
Start creating prosperity immediately! Get my complete abundance attracting course on how to become the most amazing money manifestor - includes an Audio book, Companion Workbook and 12 powerful sessions where I dive into 'all the things' and answer EVERY question about manifesting, giving you my tips and secrets to turn you into a money magnet! 

Bonus 2: Abundance Activations

($297 Value)
We developed powerful technology including brain entrainment sounds, vibrationally channeled music with subliminal prosperity affirmations and specific frequencies to effortlessly re-wire your mind so you naturally break through your blocks and attract more abundance - by doing nothing more than listening to these powerful audios. These breakthrough sessions have been created using the latest information in neuro-science to create long-term change in the brain so manifestation becomes effortless.

Bonus 3: 22+ Guided Visualizations

($995 Value)
to help you release any limiting belief or self-sabotage and become magnetic to your desires, including ...
  • Awaken Your Prosperity Self,
  • Affirmations for Your Abundance
  • Manifest your Million Dollar Idea
  • Prosperity Desires Of The Heart
  • Create Your Ideal Day
  • Million Dollar Affirmations
  • $100,000 Abundance Activation
  • Become a Millionaire in 3 Years
  • Manifest $5,000 Fast
  • See Your Business Success
  • and NEW visualizations added regularly to help you become the best YOU possible! 

Bonus 4: Business Bliss

($497 Value)
Business Bliss is all about bringing your inspiration should you desire to start or grow a business. Titles include:
  • See Your Business Success
  • Manifesting Your Ideal Business
  • Attracting Ideal Client
  • Creating Your Money Flows
  • Amazing Business Success
  • Create Your Million Dollar Idea
  • and more!

Bonus 5: Millionaire Success Library

($497 Value)
You’ll get access to Sandy's personal success library to keep the journey going beyond the program.

This library includes an additional 12 hours of inspiring millionaire audios that dive deep into money manifesting, including powerful Q&A sessions where you'll hear students just like you get their most pressing questions answered. Plus, you also get The Magic of Mastering Your Money, The Secret to the Law of Attraction and Prosperity, and more! 

Bonus 6: Personal Manifesting Session

($395 Value)
Personal Manifesting Session to help you clarify and manifest your goals with one of my Internationally Certified Law of Attraction Coaches. This one-on-one session will help you get crystal clear on what it is you desire and allow you to start aligning with your desire immediately.

** Extra Bonus ** Huge Giveaway Prize!!

($9,997 Value)
Each year we give away over $10,000 of prizes.​ Simply go through Divine Money Manifesting and you can be in the running to win. Prizes have included:
  • 3 Day Business and Bliss retreat on the beautiful Sunshine Coast
  • A one-on-one mentoring session with Sandy,
  • Partial scholarship to our International Law of Attraction Coach Training and Certification Program
  • Personalized guided visualization
  • Human Design Reading
  • and much more!

Ready to finally banish those self-limiting beliefs and master your money?

Divine Money Manifesting

 is exactly what you've been searching for!

Total Value: $17,169

Soon it will be $1997, but as an early-bird...

Register now to access for just $1497

Chakra Money Secrets
(Value $797)
when you register before the countdown timer ends!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

No more second-guessing yourself.

No more worrying whether you are powerful enough.

No more thinking you have to "have it all together" to create success ...

"I've only watched 1 video and have already made 3x the cost of the program in 24 hrs! Something has already shifted! I can't wait to see what happens moving forward."
3 Month Update:
" I was offered a 6 figure job and can work from home and still have my part-time business. Plus I also earned over $100k in one month in my digital currency!
- melissa groom, nsw Australia

Join Divine Money Manifesting with confidence, thanks to my results-based guarantee

If you show up, complete, and submit all the module exercises and do not get results within the first 30 days of enrolling, send my team a message, and I will personally get in touch with you to create a plan for you so you can unlock the blocks keeping you from getting results.

And ultimately, if you decide it's not for you, you can jump out at anytime and we will refund any unused portion of the program.

That's how confident I am in this course. I'm not interested in making money unless you are able to create more money, abundance and prosperity in your life!
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